Alhamdulillah Liyana Jasmay telah pun sah bergelar isteri kepada ahli perniagaan Fathuddin Mazlan pada 2 February 2013 dengan dua kali lafaz. Majlis pernikahan berlangsung di Hotel Seri Pasific, dihadiri oleh kaum keluarga dan rakan rapat kedua-dua belah pihak pengantin. LJ di Majlis Pernikahan...sweet and lovely :) p/s: Wedding dress rekaan Jovian Mandagie k Pada sebelah malamnya pula berlangsung majlis resepsi sebelah pengantin perempuan i.e. Liyana Jasmay bertempat di Dewan Merdeka, PWTC. Hitam dan putih menjadi pilihan pengantin sebagai warna tema untuk majlis resepsi mereka. Segala gubahan dan hiasan adalah gabungan dua warna tersebut. Majlis yang cukup indah ini bertambah meriah dengan kehadiran selebriti2 tempatan. Antaranya Lisa Surihani dan pasangannya, Yusry Halim, Awal Asha'ari dan pasangannya Sha Alyahya, Datin Umie Aida dan pasangan, Erma Fatima, Eja, Zain Ruffedge dan pasangan, Fazura,Mia Maisara dan ramai lagi . ...
I am pretty sure that most of us are aware about UEFA European Football Championship 2012 or commonly known as Euro 2012 which is held in this month hosted by Poland and Ukraine. There is only one more match left tomorrow morning before the final match. Of course,I will watch tomorrow's match between Germany and Italy. Who will go to final between this two??? will it be Germany since the team is very consistent throughtout the tournament? Or Will it be Italy, based on historical record whereby Germany always lost to Italy? Will see. I'm not supporting either Germany or Italy though. My favourite team is Spain!!!!!!! And yes, they are marching to the Final match. I' m so happy they did it once again. I really hope that they will win this tournament so that they will be the first team to have won 3 trophys in a row: euro2008, world cup 2010 and euro 2012. Pleaassseeeeeee :) go casillas, go torres, go alonso, go silva. So sad that David villa is not in the team due to ...
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