Despite of the fact that i was swamped with work on my very first day back at work after long Hari Raya holidays, i still managed  to join 512 Raya Gathering yesterday night. Alhamdulillah syukur :) 

Thank you to Faisal aka Cipong (our beloved Class President) and Pokku for initiating this gathering. Unlike previous years which normally we had our class gathering in the month of Ramadhan, this year we had it in the month of Syawal. It doesn't matter to me in which month the gathering was organised as long as there is a gathering :) 

Initially we planned to go to Tajine Restaurant @ Jalan Tun Razak i.e. belakang Technip tapi rupa- rupanya dah dirobohkan. Yang ada cuma construction.. hahaha...it was so funny because punyalah beriya-iya plan and vote for dinner @ Tajine but none of us knew about the closure of the restaurant....nasib baik Khairil and Pokku sampai dulu, so that they were able to inform the rest of us about the closure and quickly suggested few other venues.

In the end, we decided to go to Al-Rawsha Restaurant located at Jalan Kg Pandan, KL.  It is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.         
It’s like a castle… with ample parking spaces around the compound (free parking).. but during peak hours, it can be a full house

It's a 2 floors restaurant with middle east interior design..very spacious - able to cater for private functions and parties too...surau is available..children playroom is also available :) The ambiance is there....with arabic music playing in the background..

Here are the pictures of some of the food that we have ordered :)  Yumyum

Lamb Mandy

Chicken Mandy

Mandy is the traditional dish of Yemen, native to Hadhramaut and many other Yemeni cities, also known as Haneeth.  Mandy is usually made from basmati ricemeat (lamb or chicken), and a mixture of spices. The meat used is usually a young and small sized lamb to enhance the taste further.  Everything is served together in one plate. 

Both chicken and lamb were very tender, simply perfect!

Salsa-like chilli sauce

We also ordered
- Al-Rawsha mixed grill
- Chicken kebab
- Vegetable roll
- Ladies fingers with meat
- Tea pot mint

Visit their website www.alrawshakl.com for more information, menu and price list.   

To: Cipong, Marien, Liza, Asraf, Hazwan, Pokku, Mimi, Isma, Khairil and Chelop

We had so much fun yesterday nite. Full of jokes and full of laughter. Lots and lots of catching up - family, career, relationship status etc. At the same time, sempat jugak flashback all the memories we had back in MRSM Taiping..puas gelak bila teringat balik semua cerita-cerita lama..all the funny/silly things that we did together...the scandals/the gossips...the fight with the seniors...homeroom teachers/activities...secret admirer activities...kantoi tersasul (hopefully Meen still have the book)...ya allah seronoknya zaman-zaman sekolah kan..

To: Elai, Meen, Iman, KChik, Syerah, Azza, Fuad, Azri, Erzal, Farhi and Sepu 

Wish that all of you were here.  Mesti lagi meriah. For sure gelak lebih lagi..hehehe...Hope to see all of you in the next gathering session or bile-bile free, calling2 and meet up pon boleh je..

I'm so blessed and grateful to have all of you as my friends. We managed to keep our 13 years of friendship until today. Lets hope and pray that this friendship will last forever. Insya-allah. 


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